Source: src/maps/gmapdraw.js

 * @namespace ajs.maps.gmapdraw
 * @memberof ajs.maps
ajs.extend({ gmapdraw: {} }, ajs.maps);

// load the css stylesheet

/** Incremental variable which assures the creation of a new instance id every time a new instance is created */
ajs.maps.gmapdraw.instances_ids = 0;

/** Whether or not to display debug information in the console */
ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug = false;

// look at initialize method for class description = (function()  {

	// private members
	var _private = {};	

	// options
	var _options = {};	

	// mootools class

	return new Class({

		 * @summary Google maps drawing class, provides tools for drawing over a google map instance, and export drawed data.
		 * @classdesc <p>This class handles the drawing tools used to draw over a google map and allows the drawed data exportation.</p>
		 *            <p>The map manages also some controllers</p>
		 *            <ul>
		 *            <li>clear map controller</li> 
		 *            <li>export map controller</li> 
		 *            <li>geocoder text field controller</li> 
		 *            <li>tips controller</li> 
	 	 *            </ul>
		 *            <p>Moreover every drawing tool has its own controller, which may be specifically set or used in its default form.</p>
		 *            <p>Each map controller may be specified custom, may be removed setting the related option to <code>null</code> or used in its default form.</p>
		 *            <p>Once instantiated the class and set the tools by options or instantiating direclty the drawing tool classes and adding them to the map,
		 *            see {@link}, call the render method to render the widget. 
		 *            Then it is possible to continue configuring the widget adding or removing tools,
		 *            customizing the google map instance which is returned by the {@link} method.</p>
		 *            <p>When defining specific map controllers, be sure to make them handle the proper map methods.</p>
		 *            <p>Very important: be sure to load the google maps library yourself in the head of the document!</p>
		 * @constructs
		 * @param {String} canvas The id attribute of the map container
		 * @param {Object} [options] A class options object
		 * @param {Array} [ Array(45, 7)] The initial map center coordinates, (lat, lng).
		 * @param {Number} [options.zoom=8] The the initial map zoom level.
		 * @param {Object} [{}] The object containing the tool's names and optionsa to be activated when initializing the map. 
		 * 					   It's a shortcut to easily define set and active tools objects.			
		 * @param {Object} [] The point tool init object
		 * @param {String|Element} [] The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool, default the built-in menu voice
		 * @param {Object} [] The tool options object, see {@link ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool} for available properties
		 * @param {Object} [] The polyline tool init object
		 * @param {String|Element} [] The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool, default the built-in menu voice
		 * @param {Object} [] The tool options object, see {@link ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool} for available properties
		 * @param {Object} [] The polygon tool init object
		 * @param {String|Element} [] The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool, default the built-in menu voice
		 * @param {Object} [] The tool options object, see {@link ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool} for available properties
		 * @param {Object} [] The circle tool init object
		 * @param {String|Element} [] The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool, default the built-in menu voice
		 * @param {Object} [] The tool options object, see {@link ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool} for available properties
		 * @param {String|Element} [options.clear_map_ctrl='default'] The clear map controller (clears all drawings over the map). 
		 *                                                    If 'default' the built-in controller is used, if <code>null</code> the clear map 
		 *                                                    functionality is removed. If id attribute or an element the clear map functionality is attached to the element.
		 * @param {String|Element} [options.export_map_ctrl='default'] The export map controller (exports all shapes drawed over the map). 
		 *                                                     If 'default' the built-in controller is used, if <code>null</code> the export map 
		 *                                                     functionality is removed. If id attribute or an element the clear map functionality is attached to the element.
		 * @param {Function} [options.export_map_callback=null] The callback function to call when the export map button is pressed. The callback function receives one argument, the exported data as
		 *                                                      returned by the method.
		 * @param {Boolean} [options.geocoder_map_field=true] Whether or not to add the gecoder functionality which allows to center the map in a point defined through an address, or to
		 *                                            pass the lat,lng coordinates found to the map click handlers (exactly as click over the map in a lat,lng point). 
		 * @param {String|Element} [options.tips_map_ctrl='default'] The help tips map controller (shows tips about drawing tools). 
		 *                                                     If 'default' the built-in controller is used, if <code>null</code> the tips box is not shown, 
		 *                                                     if id attribute or an element the functionality is attached to the element.
		 * @example
		 * var mymap = new'my_map_canvas_id', {
		 * 	tools: {
		 *		point: {
		 *			options: {
		 *				max_items: 5
		 *			}
		 *		},
		 *		circle: {}	
		 * 	}
		 * });
		initialize: function(canvas, options) { = ajs.maps.gmapdraw.instances_ids++;

			_private[] = {};

			if(typeOf( != 'element') {
				throw new Error('Canvas container not found');
			else {
				_private[].super_canvas =;

      var super_canvas_coords = _private[].super_canvas.getCoordinates();

			_private[].canvas = new Element('div', {id: 'gmapdraw_gmap_canvas'}).setStyles({
        height: super_canvas_coords.height + 'px'

        position: 'relative',
        height: 'auto'

			_options[] = {
				center: [45, 7],
				zoom: 8,
				tools: {},
				clear_map_ctrl: 'default',
				export_map_ctrl: 'default',
				export_map_callback: null,
				geocoder_map_field: true,
				tips_map_ctrl: 'default'

			_options[] = Object.merge(_options[], options);

			_private[].map_types = {
				'hybrid': google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
				'roadmap': google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
				'satellite': google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE,
				'terrain': google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN

			_private[].supported_tools = ['point', 'polyline', 'polygon', 'circle'];
			_private[].drawing_tool = null;
			_private[].tools = [];
			_private[].ctrl_container = null;
			_private[].map = null;
			_private[].clear_map_ctrl = null;
			_private[].clear_map_ctrl_event = null;
			_private[].export_map_ctrl = null;
			_private[].export_map_ctrl_event = null;
			_private[].tips_map_ctrl = null;
			_private[].geocoder = null;
			_private[].geocoder_field = null;
			_private[].geocoder_center_button = null;
			_private[].geocoder_draw_button = null;



 		 * @summary Adds an empty container over the map which may contain default controllers if any
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		addControllersContainer: function() {
			_private[].ctrl_container = new Element('div', {id: 'gmapdraw_controllers_container'});

			// inject controllers container
			var canvas_coord = _private[].canvas.getCoordinates();
			_private[].ctrl_container.inject(_private[].super_canvas, 'top');

 		 * @summary Adds a controller in the default controllers container
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {Element} ctrl The controller to be added
		 * @return void
		addDefaultCtrl: function(ctrl) {
			if(typeOf(ctrl) != 'element') {
				throw new Error('The given controller is not a DOM element');
			ctrl.inject(_private[].ctrl_container, 'top');
 		 * @summary Processes the option object setting properly some class properties
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		processOptions: function() {

			// init tools
			_private[].supported_tools.each(function(tool_name) {
				if(_options[].tools.hasOwnProperty(tool_name)) {
					var handler = null;
					var ctrl = _options[].tools[tool_name].ctrl || null;
					// set tool
					if(ctrl) {
						handler = typeOf(ctrl) === 'string' ? : ctrl;
						if(typeOf(handler) != 'element') {
							throw new Error('The given control handler for the ' + tool_name + ' tool is not a DOM element');
					// add the tool
					this.addTool(new ajs.maps.gmapdraw[tool_name + 'Tool'](this, handler, _options[].tools[tool_name].options || null));

 		 * @summary Adds a drawing tool
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool} tool The tool object 
		 * @return void
		addTool: function(tool) {
			if(!instanceOf(tool, ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool)) {
				throw new Error('The ' + tool_name + ' tool object given is not of the proper type');

			if(!_private[].supported_tools.contains(tool.getToolName())) {
				throw new Error('The ' + tool_name + ' tool is not supported');
			_private[].tools[tool.getToolName()] = tool;
 		 * @summary Gets a tool object giving its name
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {String} tool_name One of the supported tools name
		 * @return {ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool | null} The tool object if set or null
		getTool: function(tool_name) {

			if(!_private[].supported_tools.contains(tool_name)) {
				throw new Error('The ' + tool_name + ' tool is not supported');
			if(typeof _private[].tools[tool_name] === 'undefined') {
				return null;
			return _private[].tools[tool_name];

 		 * @summary Removes a drawing tool
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {String} tool_name The name of the tool to be removed
		 * @param {ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool} tool The tool object 
		 * @return void
		removeTool: function(tool_name) {
			if(!_private[].supported_tools.contains(tool_name)) {
				throw new Error('The ' + tool_name + ' tool is not supported');
			if(_private[].tools[tool_name]) {
				delete _private[].tools[tool_name];
 		 * @summary Renders the widget  
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		render: function() {
			// map initialization
			// add controllers
			// init tools
 		 * Initializes the google map and its events
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		initMap: function() {

			var map_center = new google.maps.LatLng(_options[].center[0], _options[].center[1]);
			var myOptions = {
				center: map_center,
				zoom: _options[].zoom,
				zoomControlOptions: {
					style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.LARGE,
					position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER
				panControl: false,
				mapTypeControl: true,
				mapTypeControlOptions: {
					position: google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM
				mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

			_private[].map = new google.maps.Map(_private[].canvas, myOptions);
			_private[].geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();

			google.maps.event.addListener(_private[].map, 'click', this.mapClick.bind(this));

 		 * @summary Initializes all the map controllers
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		initControllers: function() {

			if(_options[].clear_map_ctrl) this.setClearMapController();
			if(_options[].export_map_ctrl && _options[].export_map_callback) this.setExportMapController();
			if(_options[].tips_map_ctrl) this.setTipsMapController();
			if(_options[].geocoder_map_field) this.setGeocoderMapFieldController();

 		 * @summary Sets the clear map controller depending on the options.clear_map_ctrl value
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		setClearMapController: function() {
			if(_options[].clear_map_ctrl === 'default') {
				_private[].clear_map_ctrl = new Element('div', {id: 'gmapdraw_clear_map_ctrl'}).set('text', 'clear map');
			else if(_options[].clear_map_ctrl) {
				_private[].clear_map_ctrl = typeOf(_options[].clear_map_ctrl) === 'element' ? _options[].clear_map_ctrl :[].clear_map_ctrl);
				if(typeOf(_private[].clear_map_ctrl) != 'element') {
					throw new Error('The given clear map controller is not a DOM element');
			_private[].clear_map_ctrl_event = this.clearMap;
			_private[].clear_map_ctrl.addEvent('click', _private[].clear_map_ctrl_event.bind(this));

 		 * @summary Removes the clear map controller depending on the options.clear_map_ctrl value
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		removeClearMapController: function() {
			_private[].clear_map_ctrl.removeEvent('click', _private[].clear_map_ctrl_event);
			if(_options[].clear_map_ctrl === 'default') _private[].clear_map_ctrl.dispose();
 		 * @summary Sets the export map controller depending on the options.export_map_ctrl value
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		setExportMapController: function() {
			if(_options[].export_map_ctrl === 'default') {
				_private[].export_map_ctrl = new Element('div', {id: 'gmapdraw_export_map_ctrl'}).set('text', 'export map');
			else if(_options[].export_map_ctrl) {
				_private[].export_map_ctrl = typeOf(_options[].export_map_ctrl) === 'element' ? _options[].export_map_ctrl :[].export_map_ctrl);
				if(typeOf(_private[].export_map_ctrl) != 'element') {
					throw new Error('The given export map controller is not a DOM element');
			_private[].export_map_ctrl_event = function() { _options[].export_map_callback(this.exportMap());}.bind(this);
			_private[].export_map_ctrl.addEvent('click', _private[].export_map_ctrl_event.bind(this));

 		 * @summary Removes the export map controller depending on the options.clear_map_ctrl value
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		removeExportMapController: function() {
			_private[].export_map_ctrl.removeEvent('click', _private[].export_map_ctrl_event);
			if(_options[].export_map_ctrl === 'default') _private[].export_map_ctrl.dispose();
 		 * @summary Sets the help tips map controller depending on the options.tips_map_ctrl value
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		setTipsMapController: function() {
			if(_options[].tips_map_ctrl === 'default') {
				_private[].tips_map_ctrl = new Element('div', {id: 'gmapdraw_tips_map_ctrl'});
			else if(_options[].tips_map_ctrl) {
				_private[].tips_map_ctrl = typeOf(_options[].tips_map_ctrl) === 'element' ? _options[].tips_map_ctrl :[].tips_map_ctrl);
				if(typeOf(_private[].tips_map_ctrl) != 'element') {
					throw new Error('The given tips map controller is not a DOM element');

			if(_private[].tips_map_ctrl) this.updateTips(this.initMapTips());

 		 * @summary Removes the tips map controller depending on the options.tips_map_ctrl value
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		removeTipsMapController: function() {
			if(_options[].tips_map_ctrl === 'default') _private[].tips_map_ctrl.dispose();
 		 * @summary Sets the geocoder input text field and its controllers
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		setGeocoderMapFieldController: function() {
			_private[].geocoder_field = new Element('input', {id:'gmapdraw_geocoder_field', type: 'text', placeholder: 'insert an address'});
			_private[].geocoder_center_button = new Element('input', {id: 'gmapdraw_geocoder_center_button', type: 'button', value: 'set map center'});
			_private[].geocoder_draw_button = new Element('input', {id: 'gmapdraw_geocoder_draw_button', type: 'button', value: 'draw'});

			_private[].geocoder_center_button.addEvent('click', this.geocoderCenter.bind(this));
			_private[].geocoder_draw_button.addEvent('click', this.geocoderDraw.bind(this));

			_private[].ctrl_container.adopt(_private[].geocoder_field, _private[].geocoder_center_button, _private[].geocoder_draw_button);

 		 * @summary Removes the geocoder input text field and its controllers
		 * @memberof
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		removeGeocoderMapField: function() {
			[_private[].geocoder_field, _private[].geocoder_center_button, _private[].geocoder_draw_button].each(function(el) { el.dispose(); });

 		 * @summary Sets the active drawing tool name
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool|null} tool The actual drawing tool, null to have no active tool
		 * @return void
		setDrawingTool: function(tool) {
			if(tool != null && !_private[].tools.hasOwnProperty(tool.getToolName())) {
				throw new Error('Can\'t set the drawing tool since it\'s not active');
			_private[].drawing_tool = tool;
 		 * @summary Gets the active drawing tool
		 * @memberof
		 * @return {ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool} The drawing tool
		getDrawingTool: function() {
			return _private[].drawing_tool;
 		 * @summary Initializes the map set tools 
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		initTools: function() {
			for(var k in _private[].tools) {
				if(_private[].supported_tools.contains(k)) {
 		 * @summary Updates the text displayed in the tips controller 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {String} text The tip text
		 * @return void
		updateTips: function(text) {
			if(_private[].tips_map_ctrl) {
				_private[].tips_map_ctrl.set('html', text);
 		 * @summary Returns the init text shown in the tips controller 
		 * @memberof
		 * @return {String} text The initial tip text
		initMapTips: function() {
			return 'Displays help tips about drawing tools';
		 * @summary Handles the click event over the map, calling the active tool handler  
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {Object} point The callback parameter returned by the google.maps event handler
		 * @description This method is public since it has to be called by google maps api
		 * @return void
		mapClick: function(point) {

			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('map click event triggered');

			if(_private[].drawing_tool === null) {
				return false;
			else {
		 * @summary Sets the map center converting the geocoder_field input address in a LatLng point  
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		geocoderCenter: function() {
			var request = {address: _private[].geocoder_field.get('value')}
			_private[].geocoder.geocode(request, function(results, status) {
				var result = results[0];
				if(status === 'OK') {
				else {
					if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('geocoder response status: ' + status);

		 * @summary Fires a map click in a LatLng point converted from the geocoder_field input address 
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		geocoderDraw: function() {

			var request = {address: _private[].geocoder_field.get('value')}
			_private[].geocoder.geocode(request, function(results, status) {
				var result = results[0];
				if(status === 'OK') {
					if(_private[].drawing_tool === null) alert('select a drawing tool');
					this.mapClick({latLng: result.geometry.location});
				else {
					if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('geocoder response status: ' + status);

		 * @summary Clears the map 
		 * @memberof
		 * @return void
		clearMap: function() {
			for(var k in _private[].tools) {
				if(_private[].supported_tools.contains(k)) {
			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('map cleared');
		 * @summary Exports the map drawed shapes as data points 
		 * @memberof
		 * @return {Object} data The drawed data in an object format
		 * @example
		 * {
		 * 	'point': [
		 * 		{lat: 45, lng: 12},
		 * 		{lat: 43, lng: 16}
		 * 	],
		 * 	'polyline': [
		 * 		[
		 * 			{lat: 45, lng: 12},
		 * 			{lat: 42, lng: 12},
		 * 			{lat: 42.6, lng: 11}
		 * 		],
		 * 		[
		 * 			{lat: 36.7, lng: 11.2},
		 * 			{lat: 39, lng: 12}
		 * 		],
		 * 	],
		 *	'circle': [
		 * 		{lat: 45, lng: 12, radius: 10000},
		 * 		{lat: 44, lng: 11, radius: 230000}
		 * 	]
		 * }
		exportMap: function() {
			var data = {};
			for(var k in _private[].tools) {
				if(_private[].supported_tools.contains(k)) {
					data[k] = _private[].tools[k].exportData();
			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('map exported');

			return data;
		 * @summary Imports data to the map 
		 * @description Data must be in the same form as the exported ones, see {@link} 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {Object} data The drawed data in an object format
		importMap: function(data) {
			if(typeOf(data.point) != 'null') {
				if(this.getTool('point') === null) {
					var ptool = new ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool(this, null);
			if(typeOf(data.polyline) != 'null') {
				if(this.getTool('polyline') === null) {
					var ptool = new ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool(this, null);

			if(typeOf(data.polygon) != 'null') {
				if(this.getTool('polygon') === null) {
					var ptool = new ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool(this, null);
			if(typeOf( != 'null') {
				if(this.getTool('circle') === null) {
					var ctool = new ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool(this, null);
 		 * @summary Returns the google map instance google.maps.Map  
		 * @memberof
		 * @description The google map class instance allows to customize direclty some map properties using the google.maps.Map public interface
		 * @return {google.maps.Map} The google map instance
		 * @example
		 * var mygmap =;
		 * mygmap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(45, 7));
		gmap: function() {
			return _private[].map;	
		 * @summary Sets the center of the map 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {Array} center The [lat, lng] coordinates array
		 * @return void
		setCenter: function(center) {
			_options[].center = center;
			if(_private[].map) {
				_private[].map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(center[0], center[1]));
		 * @summary Sets the zoom of the map 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {Number} zoom The zoom level
		 * @return void
		setZoom: function(center) {
			_options[].zoom = zoom;
			if(_private[].map) {
		 * @summary Sets the clear map controller 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The clear map controller. 
		 *                              If 'default' the built-in controller is used, if <code>null</code> the clear map 
		 *                              functionality is removed. If id attribute or an element the clear map functionality is attached to the element.
		 * @return void
		setClearMapCtrl: function(ctrl) {
			if(ctrl != _options[].clear_map_ctrl) {
			_options[].clear_map_ctrl = ctrl;
		 * @summary Sets the export map controller 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The export map controller. 
		 *                              If 'default' the built-in controller is used, if <code>null</code> the export map 
		 *                              functionality is removed. If id attribute or an element the export map functionality is attached to the element.
		 * @return void
		setExportMapCtrl: function(ctrl) {
			if(ctrl != _options[].export_map_ctrl) {
			_options[].export_map_ctrl = ctrl;
		 * @summary Sets the geocoder map field option 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {Boolean} set Whether or not to activate the geocoder functionality
		 * @return void
		setGeocoderMapField: function(set) {

			_options[].geocoder_map_field = set;
			if(!set) {
			else {
		 * @summary Sets the tips map controller 
		 * @memberof
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The help tips map controller (shows tips about drawing tools). 
		 *                              If 'default' the built-in controller is used, if <code>null</code> the tips box is not shown, 
		 *                              if id attribute or an element the functionality is attached to the element.
		 * @return void
		setTipsMapCtrl: function(ctrl) {
			if(ctrl != _options[].tips_map_ctrl) {
			_options[].tips_map_ctrl = ctrl;

ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool = (function()  {

	// protected properties
	var _protected_prop = {};

	var _options = {};

	return new Class({

		 * @summary Google maps drawing tool class. 
		 * @classdesc <p>This class is the superclass for all gmapdraw tools, extended by all specific tools.</p>
		 *            <p><b>DO NOT INSTANTIATE THIS CLASS DIRECLTY</b>, use its children instead.</p> 
		 * @constructs ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool
		 * @param {Number} id The identifier of the child class
		 * @param {} map The gmapdraw map instance which handles the tool
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool when clicking over it
		 * @param {String} tool_name The drawing tool name
		initialize: function(id, map, ctrl, tool_name) { = id;

			_protected_prop[] = {};

			_protected_prop[].active = false;
			_protected_prop[].map = null;
			_protected_prop[].ctrl = null;
			_protected_prop[].ctrl_param = null;
			_protected_prop[].tool_name = null;
			_protected_prop[].items = [];

			_protected_prop[].map = map;
			_protected_prop[].tool_name = tool_name;

			// store the ctrl given, will be used when the tool is activated.
			_protected_prop[].ctrl_param = ctrl;

			// next click has to begin a new shape?
			_protected_prop[].next_shape = false;
			// array storing all the drawed items
			_protected_prop[].items_array = [];

			_options[] = {};

			_options[].max_items_allowed = 3;

		 * @summary Returns the class options
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return {Object} The class options object 
		options: function() {
			return _options[];
		 * @summary Returns the class protected properties
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @method
		 * @protected 
		 * @return {Object} The class protected properties object 
		protectedProp: function() {
			return _protected_prop[];
		 * @summary Sets the tool controller
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @method
		 * @param {String/Element} [ctrl=null] The id attribute or the element itself which serves as the tool controller, if <code>null</code> the default controller is used.
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		setController: function(ctrl) {
			if(typeOf(ctrl) === 'string' || typeOf(ctrl) === 'element') {
				if(typeOf(ctrl) === 'string') _protected_prop[].ctrl =;
				if(typeOf(_protected_prop[].ctrl != 'element')) {
					throw new Error('the given ctrl for the ' + _protected_prop[].tool_name + 'tool is not a DOM element')
			// default
			else {
				_protected_prop[].ctrl = new Element('div', {id: 'gmapdraw_' + _protected_prop[].tool_name + '_tool'}).set('text', _protected_prop[].tool_name); 
		 * @summary Removes the default tool controller
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @method
		 * @protected
		 * @return void
		removeController: function() {
			_protected_prop[].ctrl = null;
		 * @summary Activates the tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @return void
		activate: function() {

			_protected_prop[].active = true;


			_protected_prop[].ctrl.addEvent('click', this.setDrawing.bind(this));


			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log(_protected_prop[].tool_name + ' tool activated')
		 * @summary Removes the tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @param {Boolean} [remove_ctrl=false] Whether or not to remove the tool control if the default one
		 * @return void
		deactivate: function(remove_ctrl) {

			if(!remove_ctrl) remove_ctrl = false;

			if(_protected_prop[].active === true) {
				_protected_prop[].active = false;


				_protected_prop[].ctrl.removeEvent('click', this.setDrawing);

				if(_protected_prop[].map.getDrawingTool() === this) {

				if(remove_ctrl && _protected_prop[].ctrl_param == null) {

				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log(_protected_prop[].tool_name + ' tool deactivated')
			else {
				if(remove_ctrl && _protected_prop[].ctrl_param == null) {
				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log(_protected_prop[].tool_name + ' tool already deactivated')
		 * @summary Sets the current drawing tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @return void
		setDrawing: function() {
			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('drawing tool: ' + _protected_prop[].tool_name);
		 * @summary Prepares the current drawing tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @return void
		prepareTool: function() {
		 * @summary Adds an item to the items
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @param {Object} item a google map shape
		 * @return void
		addItem: function(item) {
		 * @summary Sets the maximum number of items that the tool may draw
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @param max The maximum number of drawable items
		 * @return void
		setMaxItemsAllowed: function(max) {
			_options[].max_items_allowed = max.toInt();
		 * @summary Sets the value of the next shape property (a new click starts a new shape if true)
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @param next_shape Whether or not next click has to start a new shape
		 * @return void
		setNextShape: function(next_shape) {
			_protected_prop[].next_shape = !!next_shape;      
		 * @summary Returns the tool name
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool.prototype
		 * @return {String} The tool name
		getToolName: function() {
			return _protected_prop[].tool_name;



ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool = (function() {

	// protected properties
	var _protected_prop = {};

	// class options
	var _specific_options = {};
	var _options = {};

	return new Class({

		Extends: ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool,
		 * @summary Google maps drawing point tool class. Provides methods to draw over the {@link} instance
		 * @classdesc <p>The point drawing tool class, which allows to draw points over the gmapdraw map instance.</p> 
		 * @constructs ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool
		 * @extends ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool
		 * @param {} map The gmapdraw map instance which handles the tool
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool when clicking over it
		 * @param {Object} options A class options object
		 * @param {Number} [options.max_items_allowed=3] The maximum number of shapes the tool may draw.
		initialize: function(map, ctrl, options) { = ajs.maps.gmapdraw.instances_ids++;

			this.parent(, map, ctrl, 'point'); // also sets options

			_specific_options[] = {};
			_options[] = {};

			// merge given options with deafult ones
			_options[] = Object.merge(this.options(), _specific_options[], options);
			// constructs protected properties
			_protected_prop[] = this.protectedProp();

		 * @summary Returns the tool help tip text
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool.prototype
		 * @return {String} The tips text
		tipsText: function() {
			return 'Click on the map to set draggable markers points. Right click on a marker to delete it';
		 * @summary Handles the click event over the map when the tool is the drawing one
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clickHandler: function(evt) {

			// maximum number of points reached
			if(!(_protected_prop[].items.length < _options[].max_items_allowed)) {
				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('maximum number of points drawed');
				alert('Maximum number of insertable points reached');
				return null; 

			var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
				position: evt.latLng,
				draggable: true,
				map: _protected_prop[].map.gmap()


			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
			google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'rightclick', function() {
				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) this.updateInfo();

			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('point drawed');
		 * @summary Displays information about rawed points in the console
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		updateInfo: function() {
			var info = '';    

			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(point, index) {
				info += 'point #' + (index+1) + ' (lat, lng): (' + point.getPosition().lat() + ', ' + point.getPosition().lng() + ')\n';

			console.log('updated points info');

		 * @summary Clears all drawed points
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clear: function() {
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(marker) {
			_protected_prop[].items = [];

			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('points cleared');
		 * @summary Returns all the drawed points data
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool.prototype
		 * @return {Array} data An array of objects representing the drawed points coordinates
		 * @example
		 * [{lat: 45, lng: 7}, {lat: 33, lng: 15}, {lat: 42, lng: 5}]
		exportData: function() {
			var data = []; 

			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(marker) {
			       var dobj = {lat: marker.getPosition().lat(), lng: marker.getPosition().lng()};

			return data;
		 * @summary Imports the data as points
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.pointTool.prototype
		 * @param {Array} data An array of objects representing the points coordinates
		 * @example
		 * [{lat: 45, lng: 7}, {lat: 33, lng: 15}, {lat: 42, lng: 5}]
		importData: function(data) {

			for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
				var point = data[i];
				this.clickHandler({latLng: new google.maps.LatLng(, point.lng)});



ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool = (function() {

	// protected properties
	var _protected_prop = {};

	// class options
	var _specific_options = {};
	var _options = {};

	return new Class({

		Extends: ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool,
		 * @summary Google maps drawing polyline tool class. Provides methods to draw over the {@link} instance
		 * @classdesc <p>The polyline drawing tool class, which allows to draw polylines over the gmapdraw map instance.</p> 
		 * @constructs ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool
		 * @extends ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool
		 * @param {} map The gmapdraw map instance which handles the tool
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool when clicking over it
		 * @param {Object} options A class options object
		 * @param {Number} [options.max_items_allowed=3] The maximum number of shapes the tool may draw.
		initialize: function(map, ctrl, options) { = ajs.maps.gmapdraw.instances_ids++;

			this.parent(, map, ctrl, 'polyline'); // also sets options

			_specific_options[] = {};

			_protected_prop[] = {
				next_shape: false,
				active_polyline_index: null

			// merge given options with deafult ones
			_options[] = Object.merge(this.options(), _specific_options[], options);
			// constructs protected properties
			_protected_prop[] = Object.merge(this.protectedProp(), _protected_prop[]);

		 * @summary Returns the tool help tip text
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @return {String} The tips text
		tipsText: function() {
			return 'Click on the map to add polyline points, click the menu voice again to create a new polyline. Right click on existing polylines to delete them';
		 * @summary Prepares the tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		prepareTool: function() {
			_protected_prop[].next_shape = true;
		 * @summary Handles the click event over the map when the tool is the drawing one
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clickHandler: function(evt) {

			// if next shape && maximum shape number is not reached
			if(_protected_prop[].next_shape && _protected_prop[].items.length < _options[].max_items_allowed) {
				var polylinePath = new google.maps.MVCArray([evt.latLng]); // store the point of the polyline
				var polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
					editable: true,
					path: polylinePath,
					map: _protected_prop[].map.gmap()

				var polyline_item = {path: polylinePath, shape: polyline};

				_protected_prop[].active_polyline_index = _protected_prop[].items.indexOf(polyline_item);

				// right click to delete one
				google.maps.event.addListener(polyline, 'rightclick', function() {
					_protected_prop[].active_polyline_index--; // one item has been removed, indexes shift down
					_protected_prop[].next_shape = true; // otherwise next click will populate the last polyline
					if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) this.updateInfo();

				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
					google.maps.event.addListener(polylinePath, 'insert_at', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
					google.maps.event.addListener(polylinePath, 'remove_at', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
					google.maps.event.addListener(polylinePath, 'set_at', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
					console.log('polyline point added');

				_protected_prop[].next_shape = false;
			// maximum number exceeded
			else if(_protected_prop[].next_shape) {
				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('maximum number of polylines drawed');
				alert('Maximum number of insertable polylines reached');
				return null;
			// add a point to the current polyline
			else {
		 * @summary Displays information about rawed points in the console
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		updateInfo: function() {

			var info = '';    
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(polyline, index) {
				info += 'Polyline #' + (index + 1) + '\n';
				polyline.path.forEach(function(point, index) {
					info += '\tpoint #' + (index + 1) + ' (lat, lng): (' + + ', ' + point.lng() + ')\n';

			console.log('updated polyline info');

		 * @summary Clears all drawed points
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clear: function() {
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(polyline) {
			_protected_prop[].items = [];

			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('polylines cleared');
		 * @summary Returns all the drawed points data
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @return {Array} data An array of arrays of objects representing the polylines' points coordinates
		 * @example
		 * // two polylines, the first with 2 points, the second with 3 points.
		 * [[{lat: 45, lng:7}, {lat:46, lng:7}], [{lat: 42, lng: 11}, {lat: 41, lng: 10.8}, {lat: 44, lng: 8}]]
		exportData: function() {
			var data = []; 

			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(polyline) {
				var darr = [];
				polyline.path.forEach(function(point, index) {
					var dobj = {lat:, lng: point.lng()};
			return data;
		 * @summary Imports the data as polylines
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polylineTool.prototype
		 * @param {Array} data An array of arrays of objects representing the polylines' points coordinates
		 * @example
		 * // two polylines, the first with 2 points, the second with 3 points.
		 * [[{lat: 45, lng:7}, {lat:46, lng:7}], [{lat: 42, lng: 11}, {lat: 41, lng: 10.8}, {lat: 44, lng: 8}]]
		importData: function(data) {
			for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
				var polyline = data[i];
				for(var ii = 0; ii < polyline.length; ii++) {
					var point = polyline[ii];
					this.clickHandler({latLng: new google.maps.LatLng(, point.lng)});



ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool = (function() {

	// protected properties
	var _protected_prop = {};

	// class options
	var _specific_options = {};
	var _options = {};

	return new Class({

		Extends: ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool,
		 * @summary Google maps drawing polygon tool class. Provides methods to draw over the {@link} instance
		 * @classdesc <p>The polygon drawing tool class, which allows to draw polygons over the gmapdraw map instance.</p>
		 * @constructs ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool
		 * @extends ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool
		 * @param {} map The gmapdraw map instance which handles the tool
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool when clicking over it
		 * @param {Object} options A class options object
		 * @param {Number} [options.max_items_allowed=3] The maximum number of shapes the tool may draw.
		initialize: function(map, ctrl, options) { = ajs.maps.gmapdraw.instances_ids++;

			this.parent(, map, ctrl, 'polygon'); // also sets options

			_specific_options[] = {};

			_protected_prop[] = {
				next_shape: false,
				active_polygon_index: null

			// merge given options with deafult ones
			_options[] = Object.merge(this.options(), _specific_options[], options);
			// constructs protected properties
			_protected_prop[] = Object.merge(this.protectedProp(), _protected_prop[]);

		 * @summary Returns the tool help tip text
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @return {String} The tips text
		tipsText: function() {
			return 'Click on the map to add polygon\'s vertices, click the menu voice again to create a new shape. Right click on existing polygons to delete them';
		 * @summary Prepares the tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		prepareTool: function() {
			_protected_prop[].next_shape = true;
		 * @summary Handles the click event over the map when the tool is the drawing one
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clickHandler: function(evt) {

			// if next shape && maximum shape number is not reached
			if(_protected_prop[].next_shape && _protected_prop[].items.length < _options[].max_items_allowed) {
				var polygonPath = new google.maps.MVCArray([evt.latLng]); // store the point of the polyline
				var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
					editable: true,
					path: polygonPath,
					map: _protected_prop[].map.gmap()

				var polygon_item = {path: polygonPath, shape: polygon};

				_protected_prop[].active_polygon_index = _protected_prop[].items.indexOf(polygon_item);

				// right click to delete one
				google.maps.event.addListener(polygon, 'rightclick', function() {
					_protected_prop[].active_polygon_index--; // one item has been removed, indexes shift down
					_protected_prop[].next_shape = true; // otherwise next click will populate the last polyline
					if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) this.updateInfo();

				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
					google.maps.event.addListener(polygonPath, 'insert_at', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
					google.maps.event.addListener(polygonPath, 'remove_at', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
					google.maps.event.addListener(polygonPath, 'set_at', this.updateInfo.bind(this));
					console.log('polygon vertex added');

				_protected_prop[].next_shape = false;
			// maximum number exceeded
			else if(_protected_prop[].next_shape) {
				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('maximum number of polygons drawed');
				alert('Maximum number of insertable polygons reached');
				return null;
			// add a point to the current polyline
			else {
		 * @summary Displays information about rawed points in the console
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		updateInfo: function() {

			var info = '';    
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(polygon, index) {
				info += 'Polygon #' + (index + 1) + '\n';
				polygon.path.forEach(function(point, index) {
					info += '\tpoint #' + (index + 1) + ' (lat, lng): (' + + ', ' + point.lng() + ')\n';

			console.log('updated polygon info');

		 * @summary Clears all drawed points
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clear: function() {
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(polygon) {
			_protected_prop[].items = [];

			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('polygons cleared');
		 * @summary Returns all the drawed points data
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @return {Array} data An array of arrays of objects representing the polygons' vertex coordinates
		 * @example
		 * // two polygons, the first with 3 vertexes, the second with 4 vertexes.
		 * [[{lat: 45, lng:7}, {lat:46, lng:7}, {lat: 42, lng: 11}], [{lat: 42, lng: 11}, {lat: 41, lng: 10.8}, {lat: 44, lng: 8}, {lat: 33, lng: 12}]]
		exportData: function() {
			var data = []; 

			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(polygon) {
				var darr = [];
				polygon.path.forEach(function(point, index) {
					var dobj = {lat:, lng: point.lng()};
			return data;
		 * @summary Imports the data as polygons
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.polygonTool.prototype
		 * @param {Array} data An array of arrays of objects representing the polygons' vertex coordinates
		 * @example
		 * // two polygons, the first with 3 vertexes, the second with 4 vertexes.
		 * [[{lat: 45, lng:7}, {lat:46, lng:7}, {lat: 42, lng: 11}], [{lat: 42, lng: 11}, {lat: 41, lng: 10.8}, {lat: 44, lng: 8}, {lat: 33, lng: 12}]]
		importData: function(data) {
			for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
				var polygon = data[i];
				for(var ii = 0; ii < polygon.length; ii++) {											var point = polygon[ii];
					this.clickHandler({latLng: new google.maps.LatLng(, point.lng)});



ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool = (function() {

	// protected properties
	var _protected_prop = {};

	// class options
	var _specific_options = {};
	var _options = {};

	return new Class({

		Extends: ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool,
		 * @summary Google maps drawing circle tool class. Provides methods to draw over the {@link} instance
		 * @classdesc <p>The circle drawing tool class, which allows to draw circles over the gmapdraw map instance.</p>
		 * @constructs ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool
		 * @extends ajs.maps.gmapdraw.tool
		 * @param {} map The gmapdraw map instance which handles the tool
		 * @param {String|Element} ctrl The id attribute or the element itself which controls the tool when clicking over it
		 * @param {Object} options A class options object
		 * @param {Number} [options.max_items_allowed=3] The maximum number of shapes the tool may draw.
		initialize: function(map, ctrl, options) { = ajs.maps.gmapdraw.instances_ids++;

			this.parent(, map, ctrl, 'circle'); // also sets options

			_specific_options[] = {};

			_protected_prop[] = {
				next_shape: false,
				circle_drawing: null,
				map_move_listener: null,
				circle_move_listener: null

			// merge given options with deafult ones
			_options[] = Object.merge(this.options(), _specific_options[], options);
			// constructs protected properties
			_protected_prop[] = Object.merge(this.protectedProp(), _protected_prop[]);

		 * @summary Returns the tool help tip text
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @return {String} The tips text
		tipsText: function() {
			return 'Click on the map to add circles. Right click on existing circles to delete them';
		 * @summary Prepares the tool
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		prepareTool: function() {
			_protected_prop[].next_shape = true;
		 * @summary Handles the click event over the map when the tool is the drawing one
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clickHandler: function(evt) {

			// if next shape && maximum shape number is not reached
			if(!_protected_prop[].circle_drawing && _protected_prop[].items.length < _options[].max_items_allowed) {
				var circle = new google.maps.Circle({
					center: evt.latLng,
					map: _protected_prop[].map.gmap(),
					radius: 1,
					editable: true

				_protected_prop[].circle_drawing = true;

				// enlarge
				_protected_prop[].map_move_listener = google.maps.event.addListener(_protected_prop[].map.gmap(), 'mousemove', function(evt2) {
					circle.setRadius(this.distance(evt.latLng, evt2.latLng));	
				// reduce
				_protected_prop[].circle_move_listener = google.maps.event.addListener(circle, 'mousemove', function(evt2) {
					circle.setRadius(this.distance(evt.latLng, evt2.latLng));	
				// end

				google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(circle, 'click', function(evt2) {
					_protected_prop[].circle_drawing = false;

					if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) this.updateInfo();


				// right click to delete one
				google.maps.event.addListener(circle, 'rightclick', function() {
					_protected_prop[].next_shape = true; // otherwise next click will populate the last polyline
					if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) this.updateInfo();

			else if(!_protected_prop[].circle_drawing && _protected_prop[].items.length >= _options[].max_items_allowed) {
				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) console.log('maximum number of circles drawed');
				alert('Maximum number of insertable circles reached');
				return null;
			// currently drawing
			else {
				_protected_prop[].circle_drawing = false;

				if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) this.updateInfo();
		 * @summary Displays information about rawed points in the console
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		updateInfo: function() {

			var info = '';    
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(circle, index) {
				info += 'Circle #' + (index + 1) + '\n';
				info += '\tcenter (lat, lng): (' + circle.getCenter().lat() + ', ' + circle.getCenter().lng() + ')\n';
				info += '\tradius: ' +  circle.getRadius() + '\n';

			console.log('updated circle info');

		 * @summary Clears all drawed points
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @return void
		clear: function() {
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(circle) {
			_protected_prop[].items = [];

			if(ajs.maps.gmapdraw.debug) {
				console.log('circles cleared');
		 * @summary Returns the distance between 2 google.maps.LatLng points
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @param {google.maps.LatLng} point1 The first point
		 * @param {google.maps.LatLng} point2 The second point
		 * @return {Number} The distance in meters
		distance: function(point1, point2) {
			var R = 6371000; // earth's radius in meters
			var d_lat = ( - * Math.PI / 180;
			var d_lon = (point2.lng() - point1.lng()) * Math.PI / 180;
			var a = Math.sin(d_lat/2) * Math.sin(d_lat/2) +
			  Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180 ) * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180 ) *
			  Math.sin(d_lon/2) * Math.sin(d_lon/2);
			var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
			var d = R * c;

			return d;
		 * @summary Returns all the drawed points data
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @return {Array} data An array objects representing the circle's properties
		 * @example
		 * [{lat: 45, lng: 7, radius: 40000}, {lat: 35, lng: 15, radius: 650000}]
		exportData: function() {
			var data = []; 
			_protected_prop[].items.each(function(circle, index) {
				var dobj = {lat: circle.getCenter().lat(), lng: circle.getCenter().lng(), radius: circle.getRadius()};

			return data;
		 * @summary Imports all data as circles
		 * @memberof ajs.maps.gmapdraw.circleTool.prototype
		 * @param {Array} data An array objects representing the circle's properties
		 * @example
		 * [{lat: 45, lng: 7, radius: 40000}, {lat: 35, lng: 15, radius: 650000}]
		importData: function(data) {
			for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
				var circle = data[i];
				var dcircle = new google.maps.Circle({
					center: new google.maps.LatLng(, circle.lng),
					map: _protected_prop[].map.gmap(),
					radius: circle.radius,
					editable: true


